

林兴稳等: A web-based land surface remote sensing products validation system (LAPVAS): application to albedo product

A web-based land surface remote sensing products validation system (LAPVAS): application to albedo product
作者:Lin, XW (Lin, Xingwen)[ 1,2 ] ; Wen, JG (Wen, Jianguang)[ 1,3 ] ; Tang, Y (Tang, Yong)[ 1 ] ; Ma, MG (Ma, Mingguo)[ 4 ] ; You, DQ (You, Dongqin)[ 1 ] ; Dou, BC (Dou, Baocheng)[ 5 ] ; Wu, XD (Wu, Xiaodan)[ 1,2 ] ; Zhu, XB (Zhu, Xiaobo)[ 4 ] ; Xiao, Q (Xiao, Qing)[ 1 ] ; Liu, QH (Liu, Qinghuo)[ 1,3 ]
卷: 11  期: 3  页: 308-328
DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2017.1320593
出版年: 2018
Quantitative remote sensing product (QRSP) validation is a complex process to assess the accuracy and uncertainty independently using reference data with multiple land cover types and long-time series. A web-based system named as LAnd surface remote sensing Product VAlidation system (LAPVAS) is described in this paper, which is used to implement the QRSPs validation process automatically. The LAPAVS has two subsystems, the Validation Databases Subsystem and the Accuracy Evaluation Subsystem. Three functions have been implemented by the two subsystems for a comprehensive QRSP validation: (1) a standardized processing of reference data and storage of these data in validation databases; (2) a consistent and comprehensive validation procedure to assess the QRSPs' accuracy and uncertainty; and (3) a visual process customization tool with which the users can register new validation data, host new reference data, and readjust the validation workflows for the QRSP accuracy assessment. In LAPVAS, more than 100 GB of reference data warehoused in validation databases for 13 types of QRSPs' validation. One of the key QRSPs, land surface albedo, is selected as an example to illustrate the application of LAPVAS. It is demonstrated that the LAPVAS has a good performance in the land surface remote sensing product validation.
通讯作者地址: Wen, JG (通讯作者)
Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, 20A Datun Rd, Beijing, Peoples R China.
通讯作者地址: Wen, JG (通讯作者)
Joint Ctr Global Change Studies, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China.
[ 1 ] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, 20A Datun Rd, Beijing, Peoples R China
[ 2 ] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China
[ 3 ] Joint Ctr Global Change Studies, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China
[ 4 ] Southwest Univ, Sch Geog Sci, Chongqing, Peoples R China
[ 5 ] Beijing Normal Univ, Coll Global Change & Earth Syst Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China