

陈子月等:Examining the Influence of Crop Residue Burning on Local PM2.5 Concentrations in Heilongjiang Province Using Ground Observation and Remote Sensing Data

 Examining the Influence of Crop Residue Burning on Local PM2.5 Concentrations in Heilongjiang Province Using Ground Observation and Remote Sensing Data 
作者:Chen, ZY (Chen, Ziyue)[ 1,2 ] ; Chen, DL (Chen, Danlu)[ 1,2 ] ; Zhuang, Y (Zhuang, Yan)[ 1,2 ] ; Cai, J (Cai, Jun)[ 3 ] ; Zhao, N (Zhao, Na)[ 4 ] ; He, B (He, Bin)[ 1,2 ] ; Gao, BB (Gao, Bingbo)[ 5 ] ; Xu, B (Xu, Bing)[ 3 ]  
卷: 9 
期: 10 
文献号: 971 
DOI: 10.3390/rs9100971 
出版年: OCT 2017 
Although a many studies concerning crop residue burning have been conducted, the influence of crop residue burning on local PM2.5 concentrations remains unclear. The number of crop residue burning spots was the highest in Heilongjiang province and we extracted crop residue burning spots for this region using MOD14A1 (Thermal Anomalies & Fire Daily L3 Global 1 km) data and national land cover data. By analyzing the temporal variation of crop residue burning and PM2.5 concentrations in Heilongjiang province, we found that the total number of crop residue burning spots was not correlated with the variations of PM2.5 concentrations at a provincial (regional) scale. However, crop residue burning exerted notable influence on the variations of PM2.5 concentrations at a local scale. We experimented with a set of buffer zone radiuses to examine the influencing area of crop residue burning. The results suggest that the valid influencing area of crop residue burning was between 50 and 80 km. The mean PM2.5 concentration measured at stations close to crop residue burning spots was more than 60 mu g/m(3) higher than that measured at stations not close to crop residue burning spots. However, no consistent, significant correlation existed between the existence of crop residue burning spots and local PM2.5 concentrations, indicating that local PM2.5 concentrations were influenced by a diversity of factors and not solely controlled by crop residue burning. This research also provides suggestions for better understanding the role of crop residue burning in local and regional air pollution.
通讯作者地址: Xu, B (通讯作者)
 Tsinghua Univ, Dept Earth Syst Sci, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China.
 [ 1 ] Beijing Normal Univ, Coll Global Change & Earth Syst Sci, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, 19 Xinjiekouwai St, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China
 [ 2 ] Joint Ctr Global Change Studies, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China 
 [ 3 ] Tsinghua Univ, Dept Earth Syst Sci, Beijing 100084, Peoples R China
 [ 4 ] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, State Key Lab Resources & Environm Informat Syst, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China
 [ 5 ] Natl Engn Res Ctr Informat Technol Agr, 11 Shuguang Huayuan Middle Rd, Beijing 100097, Peoples R China 