

仲波等:A Cloud Detection Method Based on Relationship Between Objects of Cloud and Cloud-Shadow for Chinese Moderate to High Resolution Satellite Imagery

 A Cloud Detection Method Based on Relationship Between Objects of Cloud and Cloud-Shadow for Chinese Moderate to High Resolution Satellite Imagery 
作者:Zhong, B (Zhong, Bo)[ 1 ] ; Chen, WH (Chen, Wuhan)[ 2 ] ; Wu, SL (Wu, Shanlong)[ 1 ] ; Hu, LF (Hu, Longfei)[ 3 ] ; Luo, XB (Luo, Xiaobo)[ 3 ] ; Liu, QH (Liu, Qinhuo)[ 1 ]  
卷: 10 
期: 11 
页: 4898-4908 
特刊: SI 
DOI: 10.1109/JSTARS.2017.2734912 
出版年: NOV 2017 
Cloud detection of satellite imagery is very important for quantitative remote sensing research and remote sensing applications. However, many satellite sensors do not have enough bands for a quick, accurate, and simple detection of clouds. Particularly, the newly launched moderate to high spatial resolution satellite sensors of China, such as the charge-coupled device on-board the Chinese Huan Jing 1 (HJ-1/CCD) and the wide field of view (WFV) sensor on-board the Gao Fen 1 (GF-1), only have four available bands including blue, green, red, and near infrared bands, which are far from the requirements of most could detection methods. In order to solve this problem, an improved and automated cloud detection method for Chinese satellite sensors called object-oriented cloud and cloud-shadow matching method (OCM) is presented in this paper. It first modified the automatic cloud cover assessment (ACCA) method, which was developed for Landsat-7 data, to get an initial cloud map. The modified ACCA method is mainly based on threshold and different threshold settings produce different cloud maps. Subsequently, a strict threshold is used to produce a cloud map with high confidence and large amount of cloud omission and a loose threshold is used to produce a cloud map with low confidence and large amount of commission. Second, a corresponding cloud-shadow map is also produced using the threshold of near-infrared band. Third, the cloud maps and cloud-shadow map are transferred to cloud objects and cloud-shadow objects. Cloud and cloud-shadow are usually in pairs; consequently, the final cloud and cloud-shadow maps are made based on the relationship between cloud and cloud-shadow objects. The OCM method was tested using almost 200 HJ-1/CCD and GF-1/WFV images across China and the overall accuracy of cloud detection is close to 90%.
通讯作者地址: Zhong, B (通讯作者)
 Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.
 [ 1 ] Chinese Acad Sci, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China
 [ 2 ] ZTE Corp, Shenzhen 518057, Peoples R China
 [ 3 ] Chongqing Univ Post & Telecommun, Inst Comp Sci & Technol, Chongqing 400065, Peoples R China 