

廖丽敏等:Bayesian Method for Building Frequent Landsat-Like NDVI Datasets by Integrating MODIS and Landsat NDVI

 Bayesian Method for Building Frequent Landsat-Like NDVI Datasets by Integrating MODIS and Landsat NDVI
作者:Liao, LM (Liao, Limin)[ 1 ] ; Song, JL (Song, Jinling)[ 1 ] ; Wang, JD (Wang, Jindi)[ 1 ] ; Xiao, ZQ (Xiao, Zhiqiang)[ 1 ] ; Wang, J (Wang, Jian)[ 1 ]
卷: 8  期: 6
文献号: 452
DOI: 10.3390/rs8060452
出版年: JUN 2016
Studies related to vegetation dynamics in heterogeneous landscapes often require Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) datasets with both high spatial resolution and frequent coverage, which cannot be satisfied by a single sensor due to technical limitations. In this study, we propose a new method called NDVI-Bayesian Spatiotemporal Fusion Model (NDVI-BSFM) for accurately and effectively building frequent high spatial resolution Landsat-like NDVI datasets by integrating Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Landsat NDVI. Experimental comparisons with the results obtained using other popular methods (i.e., the Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (STARFM), the Enhanced Spatial and Temporal Adaptive Reflectance Fusion Model (ESTARFM), and the Flexible Spatiotemporal DAta Fusion (FSDAF) method) showed that our proposed method has the following advantages: (1) it can obtain more accurate estimates; (2) it can retain more spatial detail; (3) its prediction accuracy is less dependent on the quality of the MODIS NDVI on the specific prediction date; and (4) it produces smoother NDVI time series profiles. All of these advantages demonstrate the strengths and the robustness of the proposed NDVI-BSFM in providing reliable high spatial and temporal resolution NDVI datasets to support other land surface process studies.
通讯作者地址: Song, JL (通讯作者)
Beijing Normal Univ, Sch Geog, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China.
[ 1 ] Beijing Normal Univ, Sch Geog, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China