

    陈卓奇等:Evaluation of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation Project Daily Precipitation Estimates over the Chinese Mainland

     Evaluation of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation Project Daily Precipitation Estimates over the Chinese Mainland
    作者:Chen, ZQ (Chen, Zhuoqi)[ 1,2 ] ; Qin, YX (Qin, Yaxin)[ 1,2 ] ; Shen, Y (Shen, Yan)[ 3 ] ; Zhang, SP (Zhang, Shupeng)[ 1,2 ]
    文献号: 9365294
    DOI: 10.1155/2016/9365294
    出版年: 2016
    Two versions of Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP) products (GSMaP-V4 and GSMaP-V5) are validated both in a single grid scale and in contiguous China by comparing to gauge-based rainfall analysis dataset. GSMaP products can capture spatial patterns and magnitude of rainfall in daily mean precipitation. They perform better in summer than in winter over the Chinese Mainland. They also have better estimation over the southeast than over the northwest of the Chinese Mainland. An apparent system underestimate is detected in both GSMaP products. The underestimation existing in the GSMaP-V4 has been largely improved in GSMaP-V5. The impacts of snow cover and vegetation fraction are also investigated. The result indicates that snow cover deeply impacts the POD and FAR of GSMaP products. NDVI may result in overestimated precipitation in sparse vegetation regions. These results implicate that it is useful to use some auxiliary data from other sensors (e.g., MODIS) to improve the quality of precipitation product.
    通讯作者地址: Shen, Y (通讯作者)
    China Meteorol Adm, Natl Meteorol Informat Ctr, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China.
    [ 1 ] Beijing Normal Univ, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China
    [ 2 ] Beijing Normal Univ, Coll Global Change & Earth Syst Sci, Beijing 100875, Peoples R China
    [ 3 ] China Meteorol Adm, Natl Meteorol Informat Ctr, Beijing 100081, Peoples R China