

    刘坡等:Graphics processing unit-based dynamic volume rendering for typhoons on a virtual globe

     Graphics processing unit-based dynamic volume rendering for typhoons on a virtual globe
    作者:Liu, P (Liu, Po)[ 1,2 ] ; Gong, JH (Gong, Jianhua)[ 1,3 ] ; Yu, M (Yu, Miao)[ 1,2 ]
    International Journal of Digital Earth
    卷: 8  期: 6  页: 431-450
    DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2014.915349
    出版年: JUN 3 2015
    Typhoons are usually accompanied by strong winds, heavy rain, storm surges and other disastrous events, and they are the most severe weather phenomena in the western part of the North Pacific Ocean. Visualisation is a key technology for analysing and presenting climate simulations and observations together with related social and ecological data. Virtual globes are a logical platform for visualising such geospatial data via the Internet. To implement interactive visualisation of typhoon data within virtual globes, this study provides a 3D texture-mapping algorithm to render volume textures on a globe. In addition, a systematic framework is proposed in which a hierarchical octree-based multiresolution data structure is implemented to organise the large volume dataset, and a graphics processing unit-based dynamic interpolation approach is proposed to obtain a smooth effect. Finally, the structure is combined with a level of detail strategy to enable the rendering of dynamic volumetric data at an acceptable interactive frame rate. To demonstrate the capabilities of this framework, data for a simulated typhoon event were rendered in World Wind, an open-source virtual globe. The experimental results demonstrate that the application of the proposed strategies can result in an interactive visualisation performance that renders typhoon data on virtual globes.
    通讯作者地址: Gong, JH (通讯作者)
    Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China.
    [ 1 ] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing & Digital Earth, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China
    [ 2 ] Univ Chinese Acad Sci, Beijing, Peoples R China
    [ 3 ] Zhejiang CAS Applicat Ctr Geoinformat, Jiaxing, Zhejiang, Peoples R China