

欧阳晓莹等:Preliminary applications of a land surface temperature retrieval method to IASI and AIRS data


Preliminary applications of a land surface temperature retrieval method to IASI and AIRS data

Author(s): Ouyang, XY (Ouyang, Xiaoying)[ 1,2,3 ] ; Kang, GT (Kang, Guoting)[ 3 ] ; Zeng, FN (Zeng, Funian)[ 4,5 ] ; Qi, EY (Qi, Enyun)[ 6 ] ; Li, ZL (Li, Zhao-Liang)[ 3,7 ]

Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING  Volume: 34   Issue: 9-10   Special Issue: SI   Pages: 3128-3139   DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2012.716916   Published: MAY 1 2013

Times Cited: 1 (from Web of Science)

Cited References: 18      [ view related records ]     Citation Map    

Abstract: Land surface temperature (LST) is one of the key state variables for many applications. This article aims to apply our previously developed LST retrieval method to infrared atmospheric sounding interferometer (IASI) and atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS) data. On the basis of the opposite characteristics of the atmospheric spectral absorption and surface spectral emissivity, a downwelling radiance residual index' (DRRI) has been recalled and improved to obtain LST and emissivity. To construct an efficient DRRI, an automatic channel selection procedure has been proposed, and 11 groups of channels have been selected within the range 8001000 cm(1). The DRRI has been tested with IASI and AIRS data. For the IASI data, the radiosonde data have been used to correct for atmospheric effects and to retrieve LST, while the atmospheric profiles retrieved from AIRS data have been used to perform the atmospheric corrections and subsequently to estimate LST from AIRS data. The differences between IASI- and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)-derived LSTs are no more than 2 K, while the differences between AIRS- and MODIS-derived LSTs are less than 5 K. Even though an exceptionally problematic value occurred (12.89 K), the overall differences between AIRS-estimated LST and the AIRS L2 LST product are no more than 5 K. Although the IASI-derived LST is more accurate than the AIRS-derived one, the convenient retrieval of AIRS atmospheric profile made this method more applicable. Limitations and uncertainties in retrieving LST using the DRRI method are also discussed.

Accession Number: WOS:000319173900003

Document Type: Article

Language: English


Reprint Address: Li, ZL (reprint author)

          Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, State Key Lab Resources & Environm Informat Syst, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China.


         [ 1 ] Chinese Acad Sci, Inst Remote Sensing Applicat, State Key Lab Remote Sensing Sci, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China

         [ 2 ] Beijing Normal Univ, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China

          [ 3 ] Inst Geog Sci & Nat Resources Res, State Key Lab Resources & Environm Informat Syst, Beijing 100101, Peoples R China

          [ 4 ] China Aero Geophys Survey, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China

          [ 5 ] Remote Sensing Ctr Land & Resources, Beijing 100083, Peoples R China

         [ 6 ] Harbin Univ Sci & Technol, Harbin, Peoples R China

         [ 7 ] CNRS, UdS, LSIIT, F-67412 Illkirch Graffenstaden, France

E-mail Addresses: lizl@igsnrr.ac.cn
