

James W. Head——j9游会真人游戏第一品牌科学国家重点j9游会真人游戏第一品牌2018年系列学术讲座之十九

        报告题目:  History of Lunar Exploration and Outstanding Scientific Problems 
  报告人: James W. Head  教授
  邀请人:   邸凯昌  研究员
  时间:  2018年7月4日上午10:00  
  地点:  中科院j9游会真人游戏第一品牌地球所(奥运园区)A504
  报告人简介:James W. Head is Professor of Geological Sciences at Brown University. From 1968 to 1972 he served in the NASA Apollo Lunar Exploration Program in geologic training of the Apollo Astronauts, the selection of landing sites, the planning of surface exploration, mission operations in Houston, and analysis of the returned samples.  Other research has involved field studies on active volcanoes in Hawaii and at Mt. St. Helens, on submarine volcanic deposits with three deep-sea submersible dives, and during five field seasons in the Antarctic Dry Valleys, and one in the Arctic. He has participated in over 20 missions of NASA, the Soviet Union, Russia, ESA, India, and other countries.  He has advised 30 PhD students, two who became NASA Chief Scientist, and he has published over 750 papers. He is a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and was awarded the GSA Penrose Medal, the NASA Distinguished Lunar Scientist Medal. He was Convenor of Microsymposium 59, “The Chinese Lunar and Deep Space Exploration Program” in Houston, Texas USA, March 2018 and is host at Brown University to numerous Chinese graduate students and scholars.

        报告简介:Why study and explore the Earth’s Moon? The Moon provides a nearby laboratory for the study of fundamental problems in the formation and evolution of the planets and satellites in our Solar System, and in planetary systems around other stars. What transformative scientific problems can be addressed with upcoming missions? What significant goals and objectives for can be accomplished? Lunar exploration results are synthesized and significant new directions for robotic and human exploration are outlined. 
