


  报告题目:Effects of surface BRDF on cloud products derived from rotational Raman scattering and O2-O2 absorption at 477 nm
  报告人:覃文汉研究员(美国宇航局(NASA) Goddard空间飞行中心)
  报告人简介:Dr. Qin has authored 60+ scientific articles, including over 40 papers in refereed scientific journals, and contributed to several books. He has also consulted and sponsored over 30 research projects funded by NASA, USDA, and USGS. These research projects cover a wide range of studies, from remote sensing applications such as retrieval of tropospheric/stratospheric total/profile ozone and aerosol/clouds as well as biophysical and radiometric properties of discrete vegetation stands, to basic research in remote sensing science, such as calculation of reflectance at the top of vegetation surface and/or the atmosphere through calculating radiation transfer in heterogeneous scattering media. He has participated in developing retrieval algorithms for many national and international satellites including TOMS, SBUV, Triana, MISR, GOME, and recently OMI and NPP’s OMPS, and additionally worked with satellite data from AVHRR, POLDER, MODIS, GOMOS in his research and application studies. 
  Dr. Qin is a member of several professional societies, including IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and AGU (American Geophysical Union) since 1996. He also serves as a regular reviewer of a number of prestigious scientific journals in remote sensing, such as IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment, Journal of Geophysical Research, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, and Remote Sensing Reviews.